I have been building this blog for several reasons. The main one being to share my love of metal detecting and try and spread the word of how exhilarating the though of what just made that tone could be.
Just a small portion of my collection
You could say I have been a coin/relic collector for my whole life, as my father had a collection that was past on to him and I use to go through it all the time. Now some of it is mine and I continue to build upon the collection in hopes to pass it on myself one day.
Sample of a weeks worth of relics here in Germany
I am currently living in Germany where I have recently been introduced to the world of metal detecting, which I must say is a lot more fun and of course cheaper than scrolling the estate auction ads for coins. Living here has allowed me to find coins all the way back to the 1600's, and one which has been possibly dated to the 1300's..all in my back yard. Ok not literally, but all within 15 minutes driving time from my house.
So, welcome to the blog. Please subscribe and leave me some comments on your experiences on metal detecting and maybe even shoot me a message if you want to post your own pictures or story on here!